Unaccompanied Minor Children

Floor Speech

Date: May 16, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. CISCOMANI. Madam Speaker, today I rise with grave concerns over another border record shattered by this administration.

We know that the border crisis has national security consequences and also humanitarian consequences. Just recently, the Washington Examiner reported that under the Biden administration, nearly half a million migrant children arrived in the United States without a parent.

The administration's open-border policies are incentivizing parents to send their children on the dangerous journey to the United States, oftentimes putting them in the hands of ruthless drug cartels and human smugglers.

Sadly, due to the lack of oversight and protection by the Department of Health and Human Services, many of these innocent children end up in sickening situations where they are trafficked, forced to work in unsafe conditions, or even worse.

As an immigrant myself who moved to the United States as a young boy and now a father of six, this breaks my heart.

We must protect these vulnerable children and treat them with the care they deserve. There is nothing fair, humane, or compassionate about this.

These children are sent to the U.S. in search of opportunity and a better life but instead end up in harm's way.

This is yet another terrible consequence of the historic crisis at our border. The administration's failure to enforce the laws puts migrant children in danger while enriching cartels and criminal organizations that profit from their suffering.

This is a tragedy, and it is completely unacceptable. We have a responsibility to protect these vulnerable children while enforcing the law to stop this behavior.

I will continue working to secure our southern border and strengthen protections for unaccompanied migrant children. Congratulating Mandy Rhodes


Mr. CISCOMANI. Madam Speaker, I rise today to congratulate Mandy Rhodes on a well-deserved retirement after 18 years of service to the students and community at Pusch Ridge Christian Academy.

During her time, Mandy taught students in fourth and eighth grade and served as the grammar school principal for 7 years, an outstanding career as an educator.

As a teacher and principal, Mandy is known best for how she cared for everyone around her. Her incredible smile and positive attitude created a warm environment, sense of community, and a culture of excellence at Pusch Ridge Christian Academy.

She empowered her students to be the leaders and innovators of tomorrow, and I know this firsthand because my own kids experienced it.

She has been a force for good for our students and our community and our family. Mandy has truly embodied the mission of Pusch Ridge in her sacrificial service to others.

I strongly believe that no profession means more to our future generation than our educators. Education is the pillar of the American Dream, and our teachers are its architects.

I thank Principal Rhodes for all she has done and all she has given to the community of Pusch Ridge Christian Academy. May God continue to bless her in her new journey. Congratulating the Salpointe High School Girls' Softball Team


Mr. CISCOMANI. Madam Speaker, I rise today to congratulate the Salpointe High School girls' softball team for winning the 4A State championship.

On Saturday, May 11, they faced off against the CDO High School Dorados in Hillenbrand Stadium. In an exciting game, they shut out their opponents with a score of 11-0 with the Lancers securing four home runs.

This marks the Lancers' sixth State championship in a row since 2018. Their hard work and perseverance over the past six seasons has been truly commendable. With this State championship under their belt, the Lancers end the season with 31 wins and only 4 losses.

I am proud to represent such dedicated athletes, determined coaches, and supportive parents. We congratulate Coach Tricia Sztan and her talented team for this well-deserved win and this amazing title.

